While we should use common sense at all times, members and guests are asked to keep in mind the following reminders of archery safety and etiquette.
Archers are requested to:
- Assist with setting up the equipment at the start of the session
- Sign in to a boss before affixing a target face (Indoors)
- Ask politely to join other archers shooting on a target if you arrive later in a session
- Do not leave a sole archer on the shooting line
- Do not leave or join the shooting line if the archer on either side is at full draw
- Do not talk in a loud voice when other archers are shooting
- Do not touch another archers equipment without asking permission first
- Set your mobile phone to silent during the session
- Remove your target face when you've finished shooting
- Assist with clearing away equipment at the end of the session
- Assist with looking for lost arrows
- Leave the site clean and tidy
- Strictly 'No Smoking' anywhere on site – these are school premises.
- Archers may only draw their bow, with or without an arrow, whilst aimed downrange, at the shooting line and when it is safe to shoot
- Archers must be familiar with the commands used at the range
- Single Whistle or verbal command 'Safe to shoot' - Archers may begin shooting from the shooting line
- Double Whistle - Archers may approach shooting line
- Triple Whistle or verbal command 'Safe to collect' - Archers may approach their targets to score and retrieve their arrows
- Quadruple Whistle or verbal command 'fast!'- Stop shooting immediately and return any unshot arrows to your quiver
- Archers must be aware of the boundaries of the range and ensure archery equipment is kept within the range
- Anyone attending the session (including non-archers) who identifies a possible safety issue is expected to raise the issue and halt shooting immediately if required by calling 'fast'
- Any arrows that remain lost at the end of a session must be reported