
Today was our one and only home match of the year.

Again, it was a beautiful day for shooting, no breeze for most of the day and very sunny.

Of all the Albion matches I have shot in, this one seemed to finish very quickly, we were done and being fed by Michelle by 16:30. So a very big thank you to Michelle for providing the catering.

80 yards got started on time at a more reasonable time of 10:30am, I for some reason thought I had lost an arrow in sighters… but later turned out I just couldn’t count properly. Paul Greensted tried giving Chris Higgins another 30 points on 80 yards, which Martin Skinner noted for later discussion.

The first distance finished, we had 20 minutes for lunch and then back to shooting.

60 yards was completed without much incident. Everyone was commenting on the frozen bottle of water I had been drinking throughout the day had started resembling something quite interesting...

Anyway, we break between 60 and 50 yards. And then I decide it’s a good opportunity to look at the Pavilion Room we would be using after the match… and I can’t get in… nightmare. Chris Higgins to the rescue, phones the site manager and they come along about 10 minutes later.

So, the final distance comes and goes again without much incident, Paul Greensted is juggling shooting and organising the catering with Michelle, which no doubt didn’t help his concentration.

Scores on the doors:

Grays – 3684 points
CTRA – 4071 points

Another win for CTRA by an impressive 387 points.

Well done everyone! We now have a 4-week break before our match with Rayleigh on 6 August.

Chris Jordan (Team Captain)